Does Your Attitude Affect Your Health?

Does Your Attitude Affect Your Health?

“Keep on the sunny side of life” is more than a Carter Family song. It can also be your anthem for good health.

 Research suggests that fostering a positive attitude through meditation, gratitude journaling, and other daily practices can support your health and well-being. Combined with exercise, nutritious food, and trusted supplements, a positive attitude can make all the difference.

 Read on to find out how a positive attitude can support your mood, digestion, and more. Plus, practical tips for cultivating positivity so your body and mind can thrive.

 What Is Positive Thinking?

 We all experience ups and downs in life, and how you think about those challenges and triumphs can have a significant impact on your health.

 Self-talk, often described as a “stream of unspoken thoughts” can lean positive or negative. According to recent research, steering yourself towards positive self-talk and practicing positive thinking may provide a wealth of health benefits:[1]

       Increased life span

      Lower levels of distress and pain

      Better psychological and physical well-being

      Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

 Why a Positive Mindset Can Improve Your Mood

 A positive attitude doesn’t mean ignoring emotions like anger, sadness, or grief. Instead, it’s how you process those emotions and let them affect your life. For example, the concept of resilience refers to your ability to bounce back from difficult situations. Having a resilient attitude and upbeat mental state has been shown to have a positive impact on many aspects of health.[2]

 It’s important to fuel your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs to stay positive. In addition to a healthy diet, you can fill in the nutritional gaps with supplements.

 Lifetime’s Relora supplement provides mood support that also supports a calm state of mind.* It contains 250 mg of a proprietary blend of Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense bark extracts. This innovative yet gentle supplement can help you feel your best as you practice the tips at the end of this post.

How a Good Attitude May Help Your Digestion

 It can be hard to stay positive when you’re experiencing digestive discomfort. Research suggests that people who experience difficulties with digestion can benefit from relaxation therapy and biofeedback to help their bodies relax and function better.[3]

 At the same time, there are supplements that can support those mindfulness techniques. Lifetime’s Quick Digest chewable tables feature digestive enzymes with plant enzymes, including enzymes for proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. It comes in a great-tasting pomegranate flavor and is packed with papaya fruit powder, papain, amylase, bromelain and other beneficial enzymes. You can count on it when you want to feel great about your digestion.

Tips For Cultivating a Positive Attitude

 A positive mindset is like a muscle—you need practice and repetition to achieve your goals. Here are some daily rituals that can help you embrace positive thinking and improve your health:

       Meditation not only reduces stress, it may also improve memory, increase sleep quality, and lower blood pressure.[4] Start with 2-5 minutes of meditation per day and remember to be gentle with yourself as you learn this skill.

      Gratitude journaling can cause a drop in diastolic blood pressure (the force your heart exerts between beats), according to a recent study.[5] Try writing down three things you’re grateful for at the end of every day.

[1] “Positive thinking: Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress” Mayo Clinic.

[2] “Positive Emotions and Your Health” National Institutes of Health News in Health.

[3] “What is the Gut-Brain Connection? Cleveland Clinic.

[4] “10 health benefits of meditation and how to focus on mindfulness” UC Davis Health.

[5] Jans-Beken Phd, Lilian Jacobs, Nele Janssens, Mayke Peeters, Sanne Reijnders, Jennifer Lataster. (2019). Gratitude and health: An updated review. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 1-40.


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